
sunday is such a lazy day for me. we had dinner at our church, and now i'm on the couch editing photos and scrolling through tumblr. 
i really wanted to start blogging again so i decided to use this old account, i don't really care who reads this, i just like to write down my thoughts. if for no one but myself, then that's good enough for me. (yay self esteem)

i'm going to be posting my art and photos on here, i hope you enjoy them. ^^



  1. yay for blogging again! sometimes not caring and not having many readers is best i think, sometimes. there is an uninhabited idea to what you feel like you can post and do, at least that's how it was for me. i think you have a lovely blog and are off to a lovely start :)

  2. also (yeah hi its me again) i tried to follow with GFC and it said its unable to process my request. is the widget broken? or maybe it's me? sorry

    1. Oh no! I will try and fix that, sorry for the inconvenience. I do have a Bloglovin' button, you can follow me there. ^^
