this is a really great post title

i've convinced myself that my raw and lightly edited thoughts typed out are interesting enough for a personal blog. and yet i'm always overly critical of them once they're typed out and visible.
then i think of the possibility of other human beings that actually exist reading them. like whoa.
then i decide not to post them.
but now i've decided to woman up and post them anyway. so haha, self.
today was gameday for my younger brother, who plays basketball. i'm getting to know some of his friends, which is kinda weird but also kind of nice. 
having friends is kind of weird for me, because i'm actually a bit socially anxious. i always forget that they don't think i'm annoying, and that they really like me. it's happy though, to have people. i know a lot of us don't have anyone, so i'm trying my hardest to appreciate my friends.

what else.... oh! my artwork: i'm actually proud of some of the things i've made lately. i found out that my moms printer is also a really nice scanner, so i've been making use of it. 

*joy* also, another fun fact: i am homestuck trash
but yeah. i'm really glad that God gave me the talents that i have. i'm trying not to feel bad about things i create.

that's about all. goodbye~


mornings - just some inspiration

oatmeal + fruit
prayer and scripture
running with mom
taking care of dear fuzzy pets
still not awake
but oh well.

it's going to be a great day.

- laurenski


this babe <3
(i'm sorry the first one does not match)
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


sunday is such a lazy day for me. we had dinner at our church, and now i'm on the couch editing photos and scrolling through tumblr. 
i really wanted to start blogging again so i decided to use this old account, i don't really care who reads this, i just like to write down my thoughts. if for no one but myself, then that's good enough for me. (yay self esteem)

i'm going to be posting my art and photos on here, i hope you enjoy them. ^^
